Yesterday while filling a bird feeder I got stung by a wasp on my left hand. My hand has since swollen to grotesque proportions, despite baking soda paste, Zyrtec, ice, elevating it, Benadryl and finally a cortisone shot from the doctor this morning.
I have a Frankenhand. It looks like someone took one of Rush Limbaugh’s pudgy hands and sewed it to the end of my wrist.
I’ve been stung by red wasps, brown wasps, black wasps and bees numerous times before. This has never happened to me before. It’s been almost 24 hours and if anything, it’s gotten worse.
Even worse, I’ll never play the violin again. Well, okay so I don’t play the violin now but seriously, this is making me nuts.
The nurse said they’ve seen a lot of wasp stings lately and apparently they’re more virulent then usual because of the warm winter or some such. Not sure what one has to do with the other but if this is our climate change future, count me out.